Erich Focht

Heterogeneous programs using vector engine offloading frameworks like VEO or VEDA are running on two architectures:

  • the main program and threads spawned by it run on the host (VH),
  • offloaded “kernels” run on the vector engine(s) (VE).

Host Side Debugging

Debugging the host side of the program (main) is as easy as starting it in a debugger:

$ gdb --args ./veo_program arg1 arg2

VE Side Debugging

When the VE side “kernels” crash, for example with a SIGSEGV, the offloading driver usually called aveorun catches the signal and tries to deliver a stack trace, but often that information is not very helpful. For example:

[VE] ERROR: signalHandler() Interrupt signal 11 received
0x600000033a00 -> (null)
0x6000000279d8 -> ve_handler_loop
[VH] [TID 39356] ERROR: unpack_call_result() VE exception 11

A simple way to get more insight into the error is to run the entire VE part of the code inside a VE debugger. This can be achieved by (mis)using the VEORUN_BIN environment variable, which is normally used for replacing the default aveorun by a custom one. In this case the custom aveorun is just the VE debugger gdb that runs it:

$ export VEORUN_BIN="/opt/nec/ve/bin/gdb /opt/nec/ve/veos/libexec/aveorun"

$ ./veo_program arg1 arg2

Once the VEO program creates the VEO process, you’ll see the debugger prompt from the VE. Type “run” to continue, or set breakpoints, etc.

This works under the premise that you don’t need to interact with the host side program (eg. it requires no input). It is still possible to attach to the VH side process with a debugger started in a different console. Also you should be using only one VEO process on VE side (or VEDA context).

In Order Execution

Often out of order execution can lead to a significant deviation of the instruction pointer from the place where an exception actually occures, with the debugger pointing to the wrong code line. The vector engine can be forced to execute instructions strictly in order by setting the following environment variable:


This will slow down execution somewhat but deliver a much more accurate instruction pointer value.

Multiple VE Processes

The case of multiple VE processes can be handled in different ways. Either with a wrapper that selects just one VE process for debugging and runs the others normally, without a debugger, or by starting each VE process’s gdb inside a separate instance of xterm. That way each of the processes can be debugged separately, from a different window:

$ export VEORUN_BIN="/usr/bin/xterm -e /opt/nec/ve/bin/gdb /opt/nec/ve/veos/libexec/aveorun"

With the DISPLAY environment variable set up properly whenever a VEO process is started a xterm window will open up and show a (gdb) prompt. Type run to start the VE side process in each of these windows.
